Do They Use Toilet Paper in China?

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In China, they don’t use toilet paper. Instead, they use a water sprayer or a bidet. This is because toilet paper can be harsh on the skin and it can also be difficult to keep clean. The water sprayer or bidet is a much more effective way to clean the area around the anus.  Here’s some more info on what China uses for their butts!

Bidets / Water

In China, they don’t use toilet paper. They use something called a bidet, which is a device that sprays water up your butt to clean it. Some people think this is gross, but I think it’s actually pretty neat. I’m not sure how they keep the bidets clean, but I’m assuming they have some sort of cleaning system in place.

Interestingly enough, toilet paper wasn’t invented in China. It was actually invented by the ancient Egyptians!

Squat toilets

In many parts of the world, including China, people use what is called a “squat toilet.” This is a toilet where you have to squat over the hole in the ground. They are usually made out of porcelain and can be found in both homes and public places.

There are a few reasons why squat toilets are used. One reason is that it is more sanitary because there is less contact with the seat. Another reason is that it can be more efficient because you don’t have to wait for the seat to become available. And finally, some people believe that it is better for your health because it uses different muscles than sitting on a toilet does.

If you’re traveling to a country where squat toilets are used, there are a few things you should know. First, make sure you understand how to use them before you go.

Bum guns

Bum guns, also known as bidets or bidet shower heads, are a common sight in Chinese bathrooms. These devices attach to the toilet and provide a stream of water for cleansing after using the toilet.

While bum guns may seem strange to those who are not used to them, they actually offer a more hygienic way of cleansing than toilet paper. Toilet paper can often leave behind residue, which can lead to irritation or infection. Bum guns, on the other hand, provide a thorough cleanse that leaves you feeling refreshed and clean.

If you’re traveling to China or another country where bum guns are common, don’t be afraid to give them a try! You may just find that they’re a much better way to clean up than you’re used to.

Pros of not using toilet paper

When it comes to cleaning up after using the restroom, people in China have been known to forgo toilet paper in favor of water. And it turns out, there are several benefits to using water instead of toilet paper.

For one, water is a more effective cleanser than toilet paper. It can help remove more bacteria and feces from the body, which reduces the risk of infection.

Water is also more gentle on the skin. Toilet paper can sometimes be harsh and irritating, especially for people with sensitive skin. Using water instead can help reduce irritation and keep the skin healthy.

Finally, ditching toilet paper can be better for the environment. Toilet paper is made from trees, which means using it contributes to deforestation. Water, on the other hand, is a renewable resource that doesn’t require cutting down trees.

Cons of not using toilet paper

While some may see not using toilet paper as more sanitary, there are several cons that come along with the practice. For one, water can splash and contaminate other parts of the bathroom if it is not used properly. Additionally, without toilet paper, people must be careful not to drip water onto the floor when they are finished. Finally, not using toilet paper can be less comfortable for some people and may cause chafing or other skin irritation.

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