Do they use toilet paper in the Philippines?

835 points

In the Philippines, they do not use toilet paper. Instead, they use a water hose to clean themselves. This is because the water is more effective in cleansing than toilet paper.

Brief overview of the Philippines and its culture

The Philippines is an archipelago of more than 7,000 islands located in Southeast Asia. The country has a rich history and culture influenced by its Spanish colonial past and its proximity to other Asian countries.

Filipinos are known for their hospitable nature and their love of food and family. The traditional Filipino family is large and close-knit, with extended family members often living together in the same household.

Food is an important part of Filipino culture, with rice being the staple grain. Filipino dishes are often hearty and savory, with influences from Chinese, Japanese, Malay, and Spanish cuisine. Filipino families gather together for meals several times a day, and mealtimes are often social occasions where stories are shared and news is exchanged.

History of toilet paper use in the Philippines

In the Philippines, toilet paper is not commonly used. Instead, water is typically used for cleansing after using the restroom. Filipinos tend to use what is known as a Tabo, or a bucket of water relegated and strictly used for bathroom purposes.

The use of water for cleansing after using the restroom is a common practice in many cultures. In the Philippines, this practice is called “bidet.” The use of toilet paper is not as common in the Philippines as it is in other countries.

There are a few reasons why the use of toilet paper is not as common in the Philippines. One reason is that water is more readily available than toilet paper. Another reason is that many people in the Philippines live in humid climates where it is difficult to keep toilet paper dry.

Despite the fact that toilet paper is not commonly used in the Philippines, it can be found in some stores and homes.

How is toilet paper used in the Philippines?

In the Philippines, toilet paper is not commonly used. Instead, people typically use water and their left hand to clean themselves after going to the bathroom. This method is called bukkake in Japan.  (and no, it has nothing to do with that other version)

Bukkake is a practice that is centuries old and was first documented in the Kama Sutra. In the book, it is said that one should “cleanse with water after evacuating the bowels.”

There are a few reasons why bukkake is still practiced today. First, water is more effective than toilet paper at cleansing the area. Second, using water helps to avoid contact with feces, which can transmit diseases. Finally, many people in the Philippines believe that using toilet paper is unhygienic.

If you are traveling to the Philippines, it is important to be aware of this custom.


The Philippines is a country with a lot of customs and beliefs. One belief is that it is bad luck to use toilet paper. Instead, they use water to clean themselves. Another belief is that you should not flush the toilet after using it. This is because the water in the toilet bowl is considered dirty.

So, do they use toilet paper in the Philippines? No, they do not.

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