Do They Use Toilet Paper In India?

825 points

No, they do not use toilet paper in India. Instead, they use a water sprayer or their left hand to clean themselves. This is because most Indians view toilet paper as unhygienic.

Toilet paper is common in Western countries

In most Western countries, toilet paper is the norm for cleaning up after using the restroom. However, in India, toilet paper is not as common. Instead, Indians typically use a water sprayer or their left hand to clean up. This can be a bit of an adjustment for visitors from Western countries who are used to toilet paper.

If you’re traveling to India, be sure to pack some tissues or wet wipes to use in the bathroom. And don’t be surprised if you see people spraying water around the toilet bowl after they’ve used it. It’s just another way of keeping things clean!

Toilet paper in India

Most people in India do not use toilet paper. Instead, they use water to clean themselves after going to the bathroom. This is because water is more effective at cleaning than toilet paper.

There are a few reasons for this. First, toilet paper is not as widely available in India as it is in other countries. Second, it is more expensive than water. Finally, many people in India believe that water is more sanitary than toilet paper.

Despite the fact that most people in India do not use toilet paper, there are some exceptions. For example, some hotels provide toilet paper for their guests. And some people who can afford it may choose to use toilet paper instead of water.

How Indians clean themselves

Toilet paper is not commonly used in India, where instead people primarily use water to clean themselves after using the toilet. This can be done by using a bidet, pouring water from a jug or bucket, or simply using one’s hand. Although toilet paper is becoming more popular in India, it is still not widely used or accepted.


In conclusion, it can be said that while toilet paper is not commonly used in India, it is not unheard of. There are many reasons why Indians may choose not to use toilet paper, ranging from religious beliefs to simply preferring other methods. However, with the increasing number of foreigners visiting India, the use of toilet paper is likely to become more common in the country.

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